Monday, May 24, 2004
Bush Vs. The Bike
Given last year's Segway incident, you'd think Dubya would stay the hell away from any wheeled conveyance that he actually has to control himself.
But alas, he outdid himself by doing a faceplant after falling off his bike this weekend. Luckily, he landed on his head and avoided affecting any organs he needs to govern effectively.
In a way, he's lucky the 4 major TV networks won't be covering his "big speech" tonight. Seeing visible proof that our Commander-in-chief is a klutz probably wouldn't help his 41% approval rating...
On a more serious note, could this bicycle incident end up being Dubya's answer to his old man yakking on the Prime Minister of Japan? After all, that incident cemented in the public's mind the reality that Bush, Sr. was a complete dud...