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The Donnybrook
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Alabama Woman Loses Her Job For Displaying Kerry-Edwards Sticker On Her Car...

I first spotted this story on AmericaBlog, but my interest was renewed once they pointed out some of the kind words some of the wingnuts over at FreeRepublic had for her. I'll point out that these are not the views of all conservatives, just some sorry-ass freakshows, and maybe some more that won't admit it:

She seems to be on the same diet Gore is on.

Typical dem doesn't even think about looking for another job.....

The Kerry sticker says it all she is an Idiot.

I believe anyone who has a Kerry sticker can be legally let go for "integrity" issues.

Maybe we freepers should contact the company and offer our support/business.

Better she be fired then thousands of us lose our jobs under a John Kerry failed economy.

Probably got fired for being stupid. That's a bumper sticker, lady.

Sad day in a American, when you can play some stupid "liberal card" to keep a job you are goofing off on, just like their leader John Kerry..absent from his senate Job ....80 percent of the time.

Is that Edwards wife? The body is the same but the face is throwing me off :)

Oh Boo Hoo, go sign up for welfare.

Send him a big THANKS!!

The Kerry Victim Brigades are unleashed. Perhaps she can apply for a job in the ministry of propaganda

Sporting a sKerry sticker not only shows poor judgement, but substandard intelligence - both valid reasons for dismissal.

Gimme a break. She was probably a poor worker. Anyway--maybe if she spent some time looking for a job instead of crying to the press, she might be re-employed. If she's employable.

OTOH, maybe she can get a job as a professional crybaby for the Kerry Campaign--the Massachusetts senator seems to be constantly using them.

Well no wonder she's mad. She'd rather be unemployed, sitting home eating bon bons.

Just`from looking at her, I'd fire her too...

Compassionate conservatism's a bitch, ain't it?


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