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The Donnybrook
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Is Nothing Sacred Anymore?

General Mills is converting all of it's cereals to whole grain.

Why didn't they just piss on my head?

What's their reasoning, you ask?

"Consumers are looking for food products that can be part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle," Steve Sanger, the company's chairman and CEO, said in a statement announcing the change. "This innovation brings important health news to the cereal aisle. Delivering whole grain across our entire Big G cereal portfolio will benefit the people who love our cereals and should be good for the entire cereal category."

This argument might hold up if you're talking about boring cereals like Wheaties and Total, but ANYONE trying to justify Lucky Charms or Trix as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle is simply RETARDED...

Trying to make Lucky Charms more healthy is like trying to make heroin less addictive. What the fuck are those "marshmallows" made of, anyway?

Other than pure Irish deliciousness, that is...


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