Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Random Thoughts While I've Got Some Time...
Operation Truth is a very interesting site that gives the viewpoints of many of the soldiers that have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan. Give it a look...
999 soldiers won't be fortunate enough to make it home from Iraq. Still think this was a good idea?
Senator Bob Graham re-focuses the light on our "friends" in Saudi Arabia and their role in the 9/11 attacks...He also gives an inside look at how the march to war with Iraq undermined our still-incomplete mission in Afghanistan.
Our brilliant Prez pulled another stunning turn of phrase over the weekend. Think OB/GYN love...
George W. Bush may have snorted cocaine at Camp David when his daddy was President. If we apply the same level of vigilance that the Right used regarding the Swift Boat Liars allegations, Bush must now prove he DID NOT snort blow at Camp David. Otherwise, I'll be forced to believe these allegations are true...
Speaking of Swift Boat Liars for Bush, they recently doctored their website after they contradicted themselves...