Monday, December 27, 2004
Memphis Knuckledraggers Protest Proposed Islamic Cemetary...
Remember when I wrote about this? Well, here's a real-world example of America's ever-expanding anti-Muslim bent...
The Muslim Society of Memphis was looking for a quiet place to bury its dead and found an unused sod farm about 20 miles east of the city.
But angry neighbors are protesting the proposed Muslim cemetery, saying it could be used as a staging ground for terrorists or that it could spread disease from unembalmed bodies.
Let's hear what the people of the community have to say:
"We know for a fact that Muslim mosques have been used as terrorist hide-outs and centers for terrorist activities," John Wilson, a local farmer, told the Fayette County Planning Commission last month.
Oh, but it gets a lot better from there...
"Ladies and gentlemen, you may think this is far-fetched, but that is what the Jewish people thought when the Nazis started taking a small foothold, a little at a time, in their community," Wilson said.
Isn't it hilarious when a mouthbreather like this pretends to stand up against the Nazis. What are the odds that this winner would've had a closet full of brownshirts?
But the brilliance doesn't even stop there!!!
Belinda Ghosheh, an owner of the property, said a committee meeting of the Fayette County Commission drew such a hostile crowd she feared for her safety. One woman, she said, yelled, "We don't need bin Laden's cousins in our neighborhood."
Welcome to BushWorld: No furriners, Muslims, or homersekshals need apply...