Thursday, December 16, 2004
The Planets Are Lining Up Against Rummy...
Rummy might be looking to "spend more time with his family" very soon...
General Norman Schwarzkopf:
"They deserve every bit of protection we can give them," Schwarzkopf scowled in an interview with "Hardball" host Chris Matthews on MSNBC. "I was very, very disappointed - let me put it stronger - I was angry by the words of the secretary of defense."
Sen. John McCain (R-Az.):
Asked about his confidence in the secretary's leadership, McCain recalled fielding a similar question a couple weeks ago.
"I said no. My answer is still no. No confidence," McCain said.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Me.):
"I am very concerned that it appears the Pentagon failed to do everything in its power to increase production" of the vehicles, Collins wrote.
"The Department of Defense still has been unable to ensure that our troops have the equipment they need to perform their mission as safely as possible."
Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Ne.):
...said troops in Iraq "deserved a far better answer than that flippant response."
"That might work in a newsroom where you can be cute with a television audience," he told CNN this week, "but not in a room where you're putting men and women in harm's way. I wonder what the parents thought."
Neo-Con Journalist Bill Kristol:
William Kristol, the editor of The Weekly Standard, the house journal of the neo-conservative movement, said in an article published on Wednesday that no wartime defence secretary had ever "so breezily dodged responsibility and so glibly passed the buck".
UPDATE: This just in, add the Mississippi Hair Helmet to the list of GOP Senators rightfully throwing Rummy under the bus...
Sen. Trent Lott (R-Ms.):
"I'm not a fan of Secretary Rumsfeld," Lott, R-Mississippi, told the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday morning. "I don't think he listens enough to his uniformed officers."
"I would like to see a change in that slot in the next year or so," Lott said. "I'm not calling for his resignation, but I think we do need a change at some point."