Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Religious Right Tires Of Bashing Gays In The US, Sets Its Sights On Canada...
In a stark contrast from the US Congress, Canada's Parliament is debating whether to legalize same-sex marriage. The vote will be close and, at this point, could still go either way (no pun intended).
Naturally, the mere possibility such a progressive step being undertaken in a nation so close to the US has got the Religious Right in a tizzy.
Powerful U.S. religious groups are sending money and support to allies in Canada to fight same-sex marriage.
Patrick Korten, vice-president of communications for the Knights of Columbus head office in New Haven, Conn., said no limit has been set on the help his organization is prepared to offer.
"Whatever it takes," he said. "The family is too important."
Mr. Korten said the U.S. headquarters of the Catholic men's group paid $80,782 to print two million postcards being distributed in Catholic churches across Canada.
"It has been extremely enthusiastically received in Catholic parishes all over Canada. As a matter of fact we may have to print some more -- there was a great deal of interest in it. It offers a quick, simple but effective way for Catholics ... to make their feelings about the same-sex marriage bill known to their MPs."
Another opponent of same-sex marriage, Focus on the Family, is also sending support and services worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to its Canadian affiliate.
Isn't it good to know that Dr. James Dobson is on the case? I guess he thought SpongeBob SquarePants was small potatoes and needed to set his sights on a much larger target.
Just wait your turn, Mexico. Our hypocritical religious windbags will be with you shortly to let you know how exactly you should be running your country.
To be fair, since America pretty much doesn't make anything nowadays, I should probably be pleased to see us exporting anything. It's just too bad it's homophobia we're exporting...
UPDATE: Until Haloscan gets their collective shit together, I'm going to have to use the Blogger commenting feature. I'm not happy about it, but at least it works semi-consistently...