Friday, February 11, 2005
Speaker Of The House Hastert (R-Ill.) Calls Social Security A "Ponzi Scheme"...
...making him the 3rd or 4th conservative I've heard in the last couple of days to use that term to describe the most popular public program in US history.
Even Stinging Nettle's favorite pile of intellectual anti-matter troll is using the new conservative-word-of-the-week, even if he can't spell it...
Relax, We didn't pick you up this time, because you forgot the part about the SS pyramid being a scam on all Americans and it can't be fixed period by you or our boy George. Don't know about a Poniz scam when you see one?
But I digress. Back to Speaker Hastert:
"You're going to have less money coming in than goes out and indeed, that's a crisis point, that's a problem we have to address," he said, calling the program "a Ponzi scheme," but quickly adding that he did not mean it in derogatory way.
He's a pretty big guy to be tap dancing that fast, don't you think?