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The Donnybrook
Monday, March 21, 2005
It's Official: They Can Fuck With You Whenever They Please...

In an effort to benefit themselves politically, the GOP House and President Bush stuck their noses in a private matter and moved the Terri Schiavo case to federal court.

The lesson here? Doctors and judges assigned specifically to this case mean nothing.

President Bush and the ethics-starved GOP House know better than the rest of us, so go back to bed, America...

On a side note, Sen. John McCain thoroughly disgusted me by blathering on and on about "siding with life" on This Week yesterday.

I thought true conservatives like McCain wanted the government out of their lives...

UPDATE: From Digby: Betcha didn't know that during his time as Governor of Texas, Mr. "Culture of Life" signed a bill into law that allowed hospitals in Texas the right to remove life support if the patient couldn't pay for their treatment and there was no hope for revival...

Betcha also didn't know that a baby born 6 months ago in Houston was taken off of life support last Tuesday and allowed to die as a result of the aforementioned law...

The stunning consistency we've come to expect from the Bush administration...

But hey, at least they didn't lie to our allies about North Korea sending nuclear materials to Libya. Oh wait, they did that too...

2nd UPDATE: I found a nugget of hope in all the wrangling of this situation:

President Bush cut short a visit to his Texas ranch to return to the White House.

I've often wondered if anything could make Bush end a vacation before scheduled.

The August 6th, 2001 PDB didn't cut it, but this situation really got him moving...

3rd UPDATE: 70% of Americans think it is wrong for Congress to stick its nose in the Schiavo case. 67% suspect the GOP House has political motives for doing so. Where did they get that idea?

"Time is not on Terri Schiavo's side...The few remaining objecting House Democrats have so far cost Mrs.Schiavo two meals already today."

--GOP Jizzbag Tom DeLay (R-TX)


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