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The Donnybrook
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Katherine Harris Shakes Her Tits All Over Fox News...

Not an articulate headline by any means, but once you watch this hilarious clip from last night's Hannity & Colmes, you'll probably want me nominated for a Pulitzer.

Fresh from officially announcing her campaign to lose to Sen. Bill Nelson (D) in next year's Florida Senate race, Katherine Harris (of 2000 Election theft fame) went on H&C to talk about her "ideas".

What she wound up doing was an impression of a Miss USA pageant contestant fresh off a caffeine and cigarette bender that just got asked to extrapolate pi to 20 decimal places...

Alan Colmes seems genuinely mystified by the situation. You really have to wonder if that guy has ever actually seen a breast that didn't have a crease, a staple or a page number through it...

P.S. I know all of my male conservative readers will take up for the Human Halloween Mask and say that she's really hot like they do whenever Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin is discussed, but come on guys.

If that's what you wanna roll with, at least try to do better...

(CrooksAndLiars rocks as usual...)


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