Monday, September 4, 2006
What Does Labor Day Mean To You?
PSoTD has tabbed me with the responsibility of answering that interesting question.
I'm sorry to say that Labor Day itself has never really meant much more to me than a day off from work. Before that, it was pretty much the last gasp of summer before the horrifying start of the school year.
Now, I guess I see it as a day to appreciate those who work way too hard for too damn little pay. Sadly, these people are more and more plentiful in today's economy.
Due to rampant outsourcing, the targeting of workers by our intrepid Republican Congress, and the reduced role of unions in business, workers have it tougher and tougher every year.
One decent salary used to be enough to raise a family, buy a house, and maybe take a vacation each year. Let's see what one salary gets you in 2006.
Even the minimum wage, which is the basis for a lot of workers' wages, hasn't increased in 10 years, in the name of protecting corporate interests. Thanks, GOP!
For more info, the AFL-CIO has a interesting history of Labor Day on its website...
UPDATE: For an all-too vivd illustration of my point, take a look at this...