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The Donnybrook
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Speed thee to the private sector, ASSHOLE!!!

Bye, Lil' Ricky!!!

Go home to Virginia, you prick!!!

UPDATE: Curt Weldon's crazy ass is out of a job, too. Congrats, Admiral Sestak!

Heath Shuler WINS!!! Vernon Robinson LOSES...AGAIN!!!

2nd UPDATE: Wake County voters say "YES" to school bond issue. They make me proud...

3rd UPDATE: Write it down: Dems take the HOUSE!!!

Those of you who assume the South is the fulcrum of political power in the U.S. are sorely mistaken.

141 years later, the North prevails again...

4th UPDATE: Geez, even the female Santorum got her ass kicked tonight!!!

5th UPDATE: South Dakota voters said "NO" to their state's heinously restrictive abortion ban. Good for them...

6th UPDATE: Anyone wanna guess tomorrow's Republican spin? R.W., I'll open this one up to you...

7th UPDATE: Harold Ford goes down swinging. A valiant effort that was, unfortunately, not enough to overcome the racist bullshit thrown at him...

8th UPDATE: On a local note, Democrats increased their majority in the North Carolina General Assembly, and some terrific Democratic judges destroyed the competition...


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