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The Donnybrook
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Just What We Have Come to Expect From Republicans

But at least this Red-Stater is not happy about it.

"We know that is it very likely Jerry Lewis will soon face legal action against him. So, let's see, John Doolittle has had to leave the committee because of possible criminal action. Jerry Lewis looks to be heading in the same direction. And once the FBI has finished its attention in Mr. Lewis's records, they'll turn to yours. This is not about you, though you are the poster child. This is about the House Republican Leadership's blatant disregard for the base -- the same base that is tired of the pork, the earmarks, and the FBI investigations into GOP corruption that make the headlines every other week."

Good call, Erik. I wish more elected Republicans held your view. Clearly Paul Gilmor (R-OH) does not get it.


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