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The Donnybrook
Friday, May 25, 2007
Pretty Damning Stuff

Forget your legacy, Mr. President. You rushed into war hyping the "imminent" threat of WMD and later pretended that despite not finding them, all was o.k. Why? Because you were going to make America the messiah of democracy in the middle east and create a democratic state. You told us the occupation would last "about a year" and that oil revenues would fund the reconstruction if Iraq. (What little Iraqi oil there is being pumped, it's funding criminals and insurgents as much as anyone right now.)You strutted and gloated on the deck of the USS Lincoln. You condoned and defended torture - helping to create the most powerful recruiting images al-Qaeda will have for a generation to come. Thanks. Now, a bipartisan committee has released a report showing that you had far better insight into the problems we'd face than you ever shared with us. You even let Rumsfeld insist that no phase IV planning was really needed. How has that worked out? History will judge you accordingly. In the meanwhile the world inside and outside America, eagerly await 1.21.09.

Update: So now, Bush tells us that the Baker-Hamilton (ISG) report has appeal and he also says he has "constantly made clear" his attraction to it. So why did you ignore it in December, Mr. President. It seems the White House is already preparing for a gloomy September report from General Patraeus and wants to get out ahead of it.


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