Friday, February 1, 2008
Learn To Speak Potomac!
Great humor piece by Dana Milbank in the latest issue of The Atlantic (whose website no longer has a subscripition firewall). A few of my favorite examples:
- Frankly … The following statement is false.
- I don’t pay attention to the polls. My job-approval rating is 32 percent.
- I hope we can work together in a bipartisan way. I need to pick off one senator from the other party to pass this bill.
- This should not be a political issue. My party has a winning political issue.
- It’s time to stop playing politics. The other party has a winning political issue.
Galv Update:
- I have great respect for the senior senator. I am about to drill my elderly colleague a new one.
- War is my last choice. The bombing begins in three weeks.