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The Donnybrook
Thursday, August 7, 2008
If Various Poets Had Written the Star Spangled Banner

(Thanks, Atlantic.com)

The Banner—that we watched in Air
so Proudly as it Gleamed
Was Proven by the Rocket Glare
Or so to us it Seemed—

And so we waited for the Dawn
To see if it still flew
Or if—in Tatters—it is Gone—
As happened once—with You.

I woke up—at the Matin Bell—
A vast and empty Bed—
The Pillow bore—the slightest smell
Of Oil—from your Head.

A fleeting Phantasy—perhaps—
The Ghost of—Not To Be—
And Postmen—in their Crimson Caps—
Aim their Artillery.
Emily Dickinson

The Frost, cummings, and Whitman versions are great, too.

Without Googling, does anyone know the name of the pub song that our national anthem was set to by F. Scott Key?


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