Friday, August 29, 2008
Choosing Sarah Palin as your Vice President is quite literally the dumbest thing you could have done today, and it exposes two things that portend the failure of your candidacy:
1.) You feel the only way you can win is by courting disillusioned Hillary voters. Good luck with that. It's a very interesting way for a Republican to win the White House.In addition, McCain has declared null and void the whole "Obama is inexperienced" argument. Palin is faaaaaaaaaaaar less qualified than Obama for the office, and has ZERO foreign policy experience. Joe Biden will make her look silly in a debate.
2.) You think the short-sighted view that we can drill our way out of our oil dependency by drilling in ANWR is an issue that can deliver enough votes to win the election. Again, good luck with that.
Oh, and as if all this weren't enough, she's got a scandal back in Alaska she's trying to evade.
UPDATE: From Palin's Issues2000 webpage, under the heading of "Sarah Palin on Foreign Policy":
No issue stance yet recorded by
2nd UPDATE: In true Fox News fashion, one of their dickwad anchors is claiming that Palin does have foreign policy experience because....wait for it...Alaska is right up there next to Russia!!!
This has to be seen to be believed...
3rd UPDATE: Rahm Emanuel nails it:
"Is this really who the Republican Party wants to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency? Given Sarah Palin's lack of experience on every front and on nearly every issue, this Vice Presidential pick doesn't show judgment: it shows political panic..."I literally can't stop smiling!!!