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The Donnybrook
Friday, August 1, 2008
Why Paris and Britney?

So, why exactly did the McCain campaign cut an ad linking Barack Obama to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears?

For your definitive answer, you need look no further than this RNC ad from the 2006 Tennessee Senate race between Democrat Harold Ford, Jr. and Republican Bob Corker...

This ad successfully played to many voters' discomfort with a black man having even perceived relations with a white woman.

The ad worked, Ford lost, and McCain's advisors were taking notes.

Not really seeing the sexual connotation? Check out this comment from McCain apologist Joe Lieberman had to say about the ad:

"To some extent the appearance of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears -- people complain about it -- they should just relax and enjoy it..."
Just relax and enjoy it? Wasn't that Bobby Knight's advice to victims of rape?


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