Thursday, September 18, 2008
The truly frightening side of John McCain...
His level of political cowardice is one thing. Here's a guy who seemed to have principles at one time, but has since pissed them all away in order to become President.
However, the truly frightening thing about the specter of a McCain presidency is his seemingly diminished mental capacity, and what the consequences of that could be in times of crisis.
Case in point, in an interview with a Spanish radio network, John McCain made it clear that one or more of the following statements are true:
1.) He thinks Spain is in Latin America.How scary is that???
2.) He doesn't know who Spain's Prime Minister is.
3.) He doesn't know if Spain is a friend or enemy of the United States.
A man who stakes his political reputation on being better-versed on foreign policy than anybody is capable of that kind of ignorance.
Ignorance is scary enough, but ignorance coupled with belligerence is downright terrifying. McCain strikes me as a mean old bastard who could drop bombs on a country over a complete misunderstanding and convince himself that he was justified in doing so.
Eight years of that shit is enough...