Friday, June 11, 2010
Just Slink Away in Shame...
- You lost, you fucked up by backing the wrong side. Now slink away with your tail appropriately tucked between you legs. Once you understand that politics is the art of the possible and not a competition to be more ideological than the next guy, you will become relevant again. Way to spend your members' $10 million, idiots. You are the tea baggers of the left and I detest your naive political outlook just like I do the Tea Baggers.
- And speaking of said baggers, "fresh evidence of the amorphous network's struggle to convert activist anger and energy into winning results. Frustrated and lacking agreement on what to do next, self-identified tea party leaders say the movement is in danger of breaking apart before it ever really comes together."
- As for the GOP in general, too much anger and too few ideas. "The Republicans at the moment are less a party than an ongoing civil war (with, from a centrist point of view, the wrong side usually winning)....Just as the party found after it seized Congress in 1994, voters expect solutions, not just rage. The electorate jumped back into Bill Clinton’s arms in 1996." Party on, teabaggers!