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The Donnybrook
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The so-called "battleground" states are looking a little one-sided...

RealClearPolitics' polling data is making the battle for the White House look about as mismatched as the Falkland Islands War...

Out of the 13 swing states polled, Barack Obama leads in twelve (CO, FL, IA, MI, MN, MO, NV, NH, NM, OH, PA, WI), while John McCain leads in one (WV).

If you also consider Obama's competitiveness in other red states like Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana, Montana and North Dakota, next Tuesday night could bring a very early concession speech from John McCain.

My impression is that if Virginia is looking good for Obama when its polls close at 7pm, we'll be looking at an Obama landslide (300+ electoral votes)...

P.S. Be ready to post your election predictions next Tuesday. My 2004 prediction was off-the-mark, but I'm feeling more confident this year...


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